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The Worst and Best of Humanity

Written by George Fisher

Image for article The Worst and Best of Humanity

Those of you who follow George Fisher UK on social media will know that we use these channels to share our enthusiasm for spending time outdoors - we try to reflect the sense of fun & friendship we have when dealing with our colleagues & customers in our bricks & mortar world. Consequently when it comes to writing our first post following the horrific events that happened in Paris last night it seems inappropriate to express joy without taking a moment of reflection.

Like many of you, I heard the news of the murders in Paris whilst watching the latter stages of Children in Need on TV and went to bed with a sinking feeling about our human ability to inflict pain & suffering on fellow humans. It goes without saying at work this morning our thoughts have turned to the friends & family of those caught up the terrible events in the French capital; I think we all appreciate that any of us could have been there.

We share everyone’s disgust & revulsion at these atrocities and extend our thoughts & condolences to every person affected by the murderous acts of a few misguided individuals. However rather than just leave it there I would encourage you to think about the positive nature of our fellow human beings; last night Keswick hosted BBC North East’s Children in Need special. Despite the weather people turned out in their thousands to see Pudsey turn on the Christmas lights, be entertained by enthusiastic performers and give generously to the Children in Need cause.

I know the horrors of Paris and the uplifting joy seen in Keswick last night are not connected and in many, many ways are worlds apart, they show the very worst and very best of human behaviour. Can I encourage you whilst expressing sympathy & unity for all caught up in all conflict, not just the barbaric acts we witnessed yesterday, take time to celebrate our ability to show empathy & compassion to others less well of than ourselves. If nothing else visit the children in Need website and click on the donate button. Small actions by every one of us prove that we can show humanity at its best, we don’t need to be dragged down by the worst of us.
