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Our first 60th Anniversary Competition Winner is Paula Connelly

Written by George Fisher

Image for article Our first 60th Anniversary Competition Winner is Paula Connelly

The winner of our first 60th Anniversary Competition is Paula Connelly with this lovely story below and photo to the right.

"I first encountered George Fisher when I was a child, in the early 70s. Whilst visiting family in Keswick I was entranced by two things. One was Skiddaw and the other was George Fisher and the glass display case by the door which contained envelopes from around the world, some addressed simply as "The mountaineering shop, the Lake District" or similar. Just like Santa Claus, such was the fame of this shop that a full postal address wasn't needed. For me, this made it seem like a magical place and I have never lost that sense of awe I felt whilst gazing in through the shop window. Similarly, Skiddaw looming large over the town left me with a sense of awe and wonder. It looked massive and unattainable - a place where only truly fit, outdoorsy type people would venture. Neither the shop nor the mountain seemed to be for the likes of me.

Fast forward 40 years and finally I returned to tackle the mountain and shop at George Fisher, both of which I'm now happy to do on a regular basis. And both continue to delight me..George Fisher for the superb range of gear and friendly, knowledgeable staff and Skiddaw for being a big, friendly lump of a mountain which has provided me with some truly awesome mountain experiences. Like the one in my photo, taken very early one morning, when we were the only people up there, above the clouds, witnessing our first Brocken spectre.

Both George Fisher and Skiddaw will always have a special place in my heart x"

Paula wins a George Fisher 60th Anniversary Goody Bag.

Below you can see a few of the envelopes Paula mentions, and some of them are now on show in our front door window for the next two months.  
