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Blue Sky They Said

Written by George Fisher

Image for article Blue Sky They Said

I had an interesting enough sort of potter last week.

70% chance of blue sky they said. Blue sky my arc'teryx. I walked from Wasdale up to Sprinkling Tarn where I'd hoped to go up one of the easy gullies onto Great End. Not being able to see the gullies to get into them was a bit of a stumbling block and stumbling was something I was trying to avoid. Of course I knew roughly where they where having been up both Custs and Branch Gullies previously. Thankfully I've reached an age where I appreciate that there's only one vowel separating do it from idiot and so I took the long way round.

I carried on along to Scafell Pike. Still no blue sky but that's alright. A bit of lunch and a chat with a Raven then off in the direction of Mickledore and Scafell. I thought if I couldn't go up the Great End gullies I'd at least go up Lord's Rake and the West Wall into Deep Gill.

Then it happened!

Now earlier in the day I'd met a nice man dressed in red Paramo down at the stretcher box. I told him my plan, he told me his; to follow the Corridor Route to Scafell Pike.

So, stick with me here; as I'm descending from Scafell Pike in the direction of Mickledore out the cloud appears the nice red Paramo man. He asks how I got on with the gullies and I tell him pretty much what I've just told you, but I was off to Lord's Rake now as I'd have no difficulty in locating that one no matter how bad the visibility. Now at this point he's looking at me as if he's listening to Ken Dodd talking about his Diddy Men.

Anyway, we converse a bit longer and then go our separate ways. Then it occurred to me, if the nice red Paramo man was coming up from the Corridor Route then I shouldn't be passing him should I? So, I check on my digital mapping device, yes my phone, and realise I'm heading down to Lingmell Col not Mickledore. I get out my map and compass just to double check.

Should I head back up? Should I traverse beneath the crags and pick up Mickledore from beneath? No, bugger it, I just headed home. For as you'll find out in the Spring edition of the George Fisher Update it's not all about achieving summits or targets, it's just about passing the time enjoyably!

And it had indeed been a right good potter!
